There may be times when you finish a workout and feel like you could eat a horse, while other times the thought of a basic salad is totally unappealing.
Neither of these feelings are out of the ordinary, it just comes down to understanding how the body is responding to different types of exercise. This can keep you from derailing your hard-earned results. To plan your workout and diet regimen to be the most effective, let’s take a look at the different ways exercise can affect your appetite.
That’s why it’s important to do all you can – right now, right here – to keep your mind and body healthy for many years to come. One of the most surprising links recently discovered to brain health actually comes from an unexpected source… your heart!
We’ve talked before about heart health and why it’s so important. Now, new studies are showing that a good and strong heart may actually help our brains battle diseases like Alzheimer’s.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has been taking steps to tackle what is being viewed as a global epidemic. Over 50 million people currently suffer from dementia – and these are our fathers, mothers, and grandparents. Sadly, that number is expected to triple by the year 2050.
To battle this outcome, the WHO announced a brave action plan. They conducted widespread research to compile a database of life-saving information. More importantly, they created a 96-page report to help people like us prevent this terrifying disease.
So… let’s take a look at some of their most important recommendations.
Ah yes… playing outside was fun as a kid.
So, why should it change as an adult? It turns out, going outdoors has some solid health benefits that you can’t get otherwise. It can have a positive effect on both your physical and mental health.
So, while autumn settles in for a stay, take advantage of the crisp cool weather and take your exercise and leisure time outside a few times a week. According to a study published in Scientific Report, you can reap the health benefits of nature without spending a lot of time outdoors. In fact, just two hours a week is enough to make a difference.
Or worst, your father demanded that you, “Eat all of your vegetables!” before you could dig into any sort of sweet dessert.
Ah yes. These scenes may be from a childhood horror story. But – as an adult — reminding yourself to include those fruits and veggies in your diet can make a huge difference in your health.
In fact, according to a new study presented at Nutrition 2019, an annual event put on by the American Society of Nutrition, eating your recommended fruits and vegetables could actually save your life.
The mind is a powerful thing. There’s no doubt about it.
We can’t do anything without it. We can’t reason through a problem, lace up our shoes, or pay for our Starbucks half-caff sugar-free vanilla latte. (The horror!)
But when it comes to your physical fitness and performance, how much of it is in your head?
We’ve talked before about the mental health benefits of physical exercise, but does that relationship work both ways? Are their physical benefits that stem from a healthy mind?
That’s a lot of questions, so let’s see what the experts have to say…
A group of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are looking at things from this perspective to see if being mentally strong can help you reach your fitness goals.
In particular, they are hoping to understand why some people have an easier time meeting their fitness and health goals by studying their brains.
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