Getting the right elliptical for your body and budget!

Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 Elliptical Trainer Review

Brand: Confidence
Expert Rating: 1 star

A Stationary Bike That Provides an Upper Body Workout

Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 Elliptical Trainer ReviewThe concept behind the Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 Elliptical Trainer is intriguing.  You have a stationary bicycle that also provides an upper body workout, similar to an elliptical trainer.  And for many, what is also attractive is the budget price.

The Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 has similar advantages to an elliptical trainer.  First, because your legs move in an oval motion and never leave the foot pedals, you minimize the impact to your lower body.  Consequently, there is minimal stress to your ankles, knees, and lower back.  When you run or walk, with every step there is shock to your body. An elliptical trainer or exercise bike allows you to avoid most of that impact.

In addition,  with the Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 you have the benefit of the upper body workout.  Obviously, the upper body workout allows you to target certain upper body muscles.  Although, the other benefit is when you exercise both your upper and lower body simultaneously you get a more efficient cardio workout.

How Does the Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 compare with a Standard Elliptical Trainer?

Some people find an elliptical trainer awkward to use.  The advantage with the Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 is that it is as simple as pedaling a bike. Also, it accommodates individuals that for medical reasons or injuries, may require exercising in a seated position. However, exercising while sitting reduces the resistance on your legs and consequently, reduces the overall benefits of toning and strengthening your lower body muscles.

Another drawback to the Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 is the positioning of the handlebars.  With a standard elliptical trainer you tend to have the handlebars strategically positioned in front and close to your upper torso.  The positioning of the upper handlebars tends to be a reach on the 2-in-1.

Unit Weight – One of the major drawbacks of the Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 is the unit weight, at only 64 lbs.  You can expect it not to be all that stable.  In fact, the user weight limit of 250 lbs, I feel, is very high.  You will find that when you push this machine it will not have a solid feel.

Difficult to Assemble – A number of Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 elliptical trainer customers complained about the complexity of assembling the machine.  Be prepared for some frustration.

Cheap is Cheap – The 2-in-1 is bargain cheap, and that means the quality and durability will be compromised.  In addition it won’t have the smooth motion you will find in more expensive exercise bikes.

Our Review – Confidence Fitness 2-in-1

I cannot comfortably recommend the Confidence Fitness elliptical for the reasons mentioned above.  I feel you are better off with a more expensive elliptical trainer or exercise bike.  That doesn’t mean there are not satisfied customers.  On Amazon there were 113 customer reviews.  Out of that more than half gave a 4 or 5 star rating.  So many feel they got their money’s worth.

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