Getting the right elliptical for your body and budget!

NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical Review

Brand: NordicTrack
Expert Rating: 5 stars!

NEW for 2024, the AirGlide 14i Elliptical is a Best Buy!


Comprehensive Review of the NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical: Unveiling Its Cutting-Edge Design and Functionality!

The NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical is a noteworthy addition to NordicTrack’s range of fitness equipment, known for combining stylish design with advanced technology. After thoroughly testing this machine, our review team has gathered insights to help you understand what sets the AirGlide 14i apart and how it compares to others in the market.


0% financing is available for up to 39 months; 30 day iFIT trial included.
 Shop the AirGlide 14i Elliptical

Notable Features – AirGlide 14i Elliptical 

    • NordicTrack AirGlide 14i EllipticalInteractive Touchscreen: The AirGlide 14i is equipped with a 14-inch HD touchscreen, offering an immersive workout experience. This screen allows access to iFit’s extensive library of trainer-led workouts, both live and on-demand​.
    • Incline and Decline Capability: Unique to this model is its incline/decline range of -5% to 15%. This feature not only enhances the workout intensity but also targets different muscle groups more effectively, offering a variation rarely seen in ellipticals​.
    • iFit Integration: iFit technology is a standout feature, providing interactive training sessions where the resistance and incline levels are automatically adjusted according to the selected workout. This adds an element of convenience and engagement to your fitness routine​.
    • Design and Build Quality: The AirGlide 14i boasts a front-drive system and a heavy 32 lbs flywheel, ensuring a smooth and stable workout experience. Its low-impact design, featuring 26 quiet magnetic resistance levels, is suitable for a variety of users​.
    • Comfort Features: The elliptical includes comfortable, cushioned pedals, a built-in workout fan, and a sleek console with handle controls for easy adjustments during workouts​.

    Pros and Cons:

    • Pros:
      • High-quality 14” touchscreen for engaging workouts.
      • Incline and decline features for varied muscle engagement.
      • iFit integration for an interactive and guided workout experience.
      • Sturdy build and smooth operation suitable for users of various heights and weights.
      • Quiet operation, ideal for home use​.
    • Cons:
      • The size of the machine might not be suitable for smaller home gyms.
      • The incline and decline adjustments can be a bit loud.
      • Lack of additional storage for devices like smartphones during workouts​.

NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical Interactive ScreenComparison with Other Models:

FS10i and FS14i: The AirGlide 14i shares some similarities with the FS10i and FS14i, especially in its low-impact design and iFit integration. However, the AirGlide 14i differentiates itself with its decline capability (-5% to 15%) and a modern, streamlined design. Its 14” HD touchscreen offers an immersive workout experience, elevating it above the FS10i and FS14i in terms of interactive training. 

AirGlide 7i: When compared to the AirGlide 7i, the 14i model stands out primarily in terms of its larger touchscreen and more extensive incline and decline range. The AirGlide 14i’s 14-inch screen offers a more immersive experience than the smaller screen of the 7i, enhancing the interactivity of workouts. Additionally, the incline and decline capabilities of the 14i provide a more dynamic range of motion, targeting a broader range of muscle groups and offering a more versatile workout regime.

    See a comparison chart of all NordicTrack Elliptical trainers here.

    The NordicTrack AirGlide 14i Elliptical is a solid choice for those seeking a low-impact, interactive, and diverse workout experience at home. Its combination of technology, build quality, and unique features like the decline capability make it a strong contender in the home fitness market. However, its size and the noise during incline/decline adjustments may be considerations for potential buyers. Overall, it’s a future best-seller with stunning looks and excellent tech, offering great value for its price​

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