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New Study Shows Lifestyle Changes Can Help People 60+ Lose Weight

Feeling fed up?  Wondering if real weight changes are even possible at your age?

Don’t let yourself get down.  Just because you’re a bit older, it doesn’t mean things are hopeless.  You can still lose weight!

A recent study published in Clinical Endocrinology kept track of 242 obese patients and followed their weight loss over time. Researchers found that both the group of patients over the age of 60, and the group under the age of 60 had very similar weight loss results.

In fact, the older group cut their average body weight by 7.3%. It was more than the younger group, which had a body weight decrease of 6.9%. And, the older group even lost weight faster than the younger group – about 7 months faster! (1)

According to this study, age is no barrier to weight loss. People over the age of 60 can lose just as much weight as younger people if they make changes in their lifestyle. Dr. Thomas Barber, the author of the study, said “age should be no barrier to lifestyle management of obesity.” (1)

He continues to say that society’s myth that it’s harder (or even almost impossible) for older people to lose weight neglects older people and puts up a barrier for them to lose weight. Continue reading

Don’t Let Holiday Feasts Wreck Your Workout Routine

It’s the holiday season – and that means pumpkin pie, stuffing, loads of mashed potatoes and gravy and, of course, turkey. This year, although your family gatherings were probably be a little smaller (or they might even be through Zoom), some things will never change – great food, football, and…. skipping your workouts for the next few days.

But instead of watching your treadmill accumulate dust while finishing off a turkey sandwich and pre-Christmas cookies, this year you can start working off that pumpkin pie with these three great post-thanksgiving workouts. These workouts are perfect for the day after a holiday to get your body back into workout mode.

Don’t be too crazy obsessed about calories for your holiday meal – after all, this season only comes once a year. But, don’t let your cheat meal turn into a cheat week, and make sure to get moving and do something active the day after your festivities.

We’ve prepared three great workout options to help you get moving and start burning off all those holiday calories. Continue reading

Weight Lifting Isn’t Just For Muscles 

weiLifting weights is part of a complete and balanced exercise regimen, just like fruits and veggies are part of a well-rounded meal. But this one piece of your fitness puzzle is doing a lot more for your body than just building your muscle strength.

When you start out with a weight training program, it’s easy to get really excited about getting strong and toned…but then you may feel like you aren’t seeing the results you’ve been hoping for.

There is a reason for this, and it has nothing to do with how hard you’re working. As it turns out, during the first few weeks of weight training, your body is actually strengthening your nervous system.

New research (1) reveals what goes on in your body during the beginning of a weight training regimen. Continue reading

Some Companies Are Shipping Faster than Others Amidst the Pandemic

With the pandemic still on the forefront of all of our lives, and with all the changes to the fitness industry, your daily workouts probably look very different from what they were a year ago.

There are benefits – you don’t have to commute to the gym, you can play your music as loud as you want in your living room, and you can avoid the smelly Steve at your local gym.

But you probably miss having more than one barbell to choose from, and you probably miss your favorite exercise machines too.

Since it seems like the virus isn’t going away any time soon, it’s probably time to take your home gym to the next level. With New Year’s approaching, soon you’ll have a chance to make New Year’s resolutions, new fitness goals, and change your workout routine.

And to make all of that happen, you need new fitness equipment. With Black Friday approaching, now is the time to buy exercise equipment. Continue reading

How To Make A Big Change In No Time





Imagine those numbers above are mere seconds out of your day. Now imagine that in that small amount of time you could have helped raise the bar on your fitness levels.

This may sound crazy, four seconds can’t possibly be long enough to improve your health, but new research shows that you can do just that. Continue reading

The Effect of Sugary Drinks On Your Health

soft drinkStaying hydrated, especially in the hot summer months, needs to be at the top of the priority list. But not everything you drink is good for you. In fact, some of the beverages that you may be chugging to keep from feeling parched could be doing serious harm.

Obviously we all need to be drinking water, but sometimes plain old water just isn’t what you want. Sometimes we turn to a soda, but other times it might be a fruit flavored drink to help us feel refreshed.

The problem lies in the sugar that is often added to flavored drinks, be they bubbly or not. That additional sugar can have far-reaching effects on your cardiovascular health over time. Continue reading

These Easy Activities will Make a Huge Difference for Long-term Well Being

You’ve got your fitness routine down to a science. You’re hopping on your elliptical every day for a sweat-drenched workout session.

But still, ever find yourself feeling just worn out and in need of a boost?

Well, we’ve got you covered!

Here are 8 simple little health-boosting activities that will boost your mood, revamp your positivity, and improve your health for the long run!

All It Takes Is 60 Seconds!

deep breathTake A Deep Breath – You may not realize the power of your breath, but it can make a world of difference in those stressful moments. When you are feeling the pressure and anxiety is right around the corner, your body chemistry can throw you into a “fight or flight” response. This causes your breathing to become shallow and your heart to race. Continue reading

How a Hot Bath Can Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

We often view taking a hot bath as a luxury that we don’t get nearly often enough. But what if you had reason to make them a health priority?

A new study published in Scientific Reports revealed that making hot baths a part of your regular routine can greatly impact your heart health.

Not Necessarily New News…Just Different

This study may be the first of its kind to study the effects of a hot bath specifically, but it’s really just the next logical step based on information we already have available.

Doctors and researchers have been studying the health benefits of saunas for quite some time. They have found a long list of reasons why taking the time to relax in a hot, steamy room is worth it. Continue reading

testosterone moleculeThe word testosterone is one you have surely heard from time to time. But there’s a lot more to it than you may realize. In fact, testosterone plays a very large role in many different systems throughout the body.

From the reproductive system and sexuality, to bone density and muscle mass, testosterone has a hand in it all.

But what you may not know is that sleep plays a large role in testosterone levels and production. It may sound counter intuitive, but it’s true. The time you spend snoozing can have a huge effect on this important hormone.

Before we get into that, let’s get a little background on testosterone and how it works.

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How HILIT Can Protect Your Joints While Taking Your Fitness to the Next Level in Minutes a Day 

There are a lot of acronyms in the world of fitness. runningYou’re probably most familiar with HIIT or high intensity interval training. Then, there’s LISS or low intensity steady state training.

Well, there’s a new kid on the block!  Meet HILIT…

What is HILIT and How Is It Different?

First and foremost, HILIT stands for High Intensity Low Impact Training. Continue reading