For some folks, the cold months of the year can be a haven for depression.
Year after year, more and more people are reporting mental health problems. Anxiety, depression, and eating disorders are just a few of the many mental health illnesses that plague people young and old across the country.
New statistics show that this year, “the number of people looking for help with anxiety and depression has skyrocketed.” From January to September, there’s been a 93% increase in the number of people that have taken anxiety screens, and a 62% increase in the total number of depression screens. (1)
Now, more than ever before, depression and anxiety are problems that can affect every aspect of your daily life. Continue reading
Don’t let yourself get down. Just because you’re a bit older, it doesn’t mean things are hopeless. You can still lose weight!
A recent study published in Clinical Endocrinology kept track of 242 obese patients and followed their weight loss over time. Researchers found that both the group of patients over the age of 60, and the group under the age of 60 had very similar weight loss results.
In fact, the older group cut their average body weight by 7.3%. It was more than the younger group, which had a body weight decrease of 6.9%. And, the older group even lost weight faster than the younger group – about 7 months faster! (1)
According to this study, age is no barrier to weight loss. People over the age of 60 can lose just as much weight as younger people if they make changes in their lifestyle. Dr. Thomas Barber, the author of the study, said “age should be no barrier to lifestyle management of obesity.” (1)
He continues to say that society’s myth that it’s harder (or even almost impossible) for older people to lose weight neglects older people and puts up a barrier for them to lose weight. Continue reading
Imagine those numbers above are mere seconds out of your day. Now imagine that in that small amount of time you could have helped raise the bar on your fitness levels.
This may sound crazy, four seconds can’t possibly be long enough to improve your health, but new research shows that you can do just that. Continue reading
You’ve got your fitness routine down to a science. You’re hopping on your elliptical every day for a sweat-drenched workout session.
But still, ever find yourself feeling just worn out and in need of a boost?
Well, we’ve got you covered!
Here are 8 simple little health-boosting activities that will boost your mood, revamp your positivity, and improve your health for the long run!
We often view taking a hot bath as a luxury that we don’t get nearly often enough. But what if you had reason to make them a health priority?
A new study published in Scientific Reports revealed that making hot baths a part of your regular routine can greatly impact your heart health.
This study may be the first of its kind to study the effects of a hot bath specifically, but it’s really just the next logical step based on information we already have available.
From the reproductive system and sexuality, to bone density and muscle mass, testosterone has a hand in it all.
But what you may not know is that sleep plays a large role in testosterone levels and production. It may sound counter intuitive, but it’s true. The time you spend snoozing can have a huge effect on this important hormone.
Before we get into that, let’s get a little background on testosterone and how it works.
In today’s world, stress and anxiety are par for the course. We all feel stress and anxiety from time to time. And that’s ok. The key is managing it and not letting it take you away from yourself and your goals.
Exercise is good for your mind and your body, specifically as a very effective form of stress management. That’s right, exercise will not only help you feel stronger physically, but also mentally.
This all begins in your brain, but the effects will travel throughout our whole body!
So what is it? And is it something you should be adding to your daily diet? We’re going to break down everything “MCT” for you in this article. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be wiser and one step closer to a healthier you!
But, do you know what you’re NOT doing? You aren’t actually getting started… Yup, when it comes to attaining your fitness goals, there are a lot of things that can derail us.
For most of us, we use the excuse that it’s not the right time. Work is really busy, there’s a lot going on with the family, it’s just too cold…or too hot. Or maybe you set your goal on January 1st and have already lost sight of the finish line.
And now, this COVID-19 situation has all of us in a bit of an odd situation. Many of us are stuck working at home for the first time in our lives. But when you take out a daily commute, kids’ soccer practice, and the need to dress for society, many of us are finding ourselves with a little (or a lot of) extra time on our hands.
So yes, NOW is the perfect time to finally get going with your fitness goals. Not only will daily exercise help you, boost your immunity and manage your anxiety in regards to the pandemic, it will also help you look and feel great for the time when we’re finally allowed to go public again.
But did you know that it’s also good for your immune system? That’s right! Exercising can help boost your immune system to keep you healthy and ready to fight off illness.
It’s something that’s all the more important given the current state of the world.
There are a few theories as to why regular exercise may help you stay healthy. Nobody knows exactly how it happens, but based on how our bodies function this is the closest the experts have come to knowing what’s really going on.
The scientific community is still learning about the coronavirus so none of the studies in this report are specific to our current situation. Instead, we’re working off our prior knowledge of how exercise can help boost your immune system against things like the annual flu. (The COVID-19 virus is a type of flu.)